The Reconnection®

Originally the meridian lines, sometimes called acupuncture lines, on our bodies were connected to the grid lines that encircle the planet. These grid lines were designed to continue out and connect us to a vastly larger grid, tying us into the entire universe. Over time, for reasons unknown for certain, we became disconnected from these lines.

The Reconnection process brings in "new" axiatonal lines that enable us to standardize unique vibratory levels and frequencies for healing and, ultimately, for our evolution. These axiatonal lines are part of a timeless network of intelligence, a parallel-dimensional circulatory system that draws the basic energy for the renewal functions of the human body.

The Reconnection brings in and activates these new lines, allowing for the exchange of energy, light and information, the reconnection of DNA strands and the reintegration of 'strings' (simultaneously occurring — or parallel — planes of existence).

Although Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection are not completely separate processes, to obtain the full benefits of each, your Reconnective Healing sessions and The Reconnection sessions are to be experienced on separate occasions.

The Reconnection, a "hands-off-the-body" process, only need be done once in your entire lifetime. You cannot become disconnected once you've been reconnected. Receiving a Reconnection is the beginning of a journey of "shift" on all levels, and you will continue your process of "evolvement," both on a healing level and a Life Path level, long after your Reconnection has been completed.

Note: While not required, it is highly suggested that you experience 1-3 Reconnective Healing sessions prior to your Reconnection process, so that you will be readier and more easily able to assimilate The Reconnection process.

Each session takes up to approximately 45 minutes, but sessions are scheduled for one hour so as to provide sharing time afterward.

The Reconnection is performed only in-person (never by distance), over an optimally-suggested 2 consecutive days (e.g. one sleep cycle in between), with no more than a 48-hour/2 day period in between each session. The fee includes the services covering both days, and pricing reflects a standardized amount in the given currency of your country. If circumstances interrupt your two, separate sessions by longer than 2 days, you will need to reschedule 2 new sessions in order to complete the process properly. This ensures the standards of the integrity of the work are met.

*The Reconnection process is not required for non-human animals.

*The Reconnection is also a prerequisite for advanced practitioner training of Level III, and your Reconnection is then recorded with the association. It is also suggested you present your receipt at the seminar. Practitioners must certify that the appropriate fee was collected in full before registering your Reconnection.

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The Reconnection